5 JavaScript things you should know/understand as a Python Developer
Modern JavaScript is in many ways very similar to Python. But it's also very different. I notice a lot of Python developers don't really leverage those similarities and aren't too familiar with the differences. Which is a shame. If you're a Python developer trying to become better at JavaScript, there are a few things that you could learn that would really level up your JavaScript knowledge. Let's check them very quickly. In no particular order these are:
Let's Play Board Games
I don't know if you know this already, but I'm a huge fan of board games. And one of the things that I is inherently related to the hobby of board gaming is inviting and hosting guests, or how people often like to put it: organizing board game nights. But I don't like any of the existing solutions. So I started thinking about creating something myself.
How to Use Tailwind With Django
Have you been hearing about how cool Tailwind is but are not sure how to use it with Django? Then this blog post is for you!
Django Single File Templates
What would Django Single File Components Templates look like? As great as Django is, there are some things you just can't do in Django (as well, or at all) like you can in front end frameworks like React or Vue. These front end frameworks have a bunch of new ideas and patterns that are really good and make a lot of sense. Why don't we try and apply some of these to Django?
My New Setup
I recently renewed my home working space. Since I work from home this was kind of a big deal. The truth is, I didn't even think about it before. But now that I have a proper setup, I see what a difference it makes. It helps me with posture, focus and productivity.
Let's Try Something Different
This summer was crazy. So much has happened! And with all that momentum I thought "why not start a new blog?".
After being with Datafy.it for almost 3 years I decided to try something different, and in July quit and started as a freelancer.